Most Christians generally consider Jesus to be the Christ, the long-awaited Messiah, as well as the one and only Son of God. The opening words in the Gospel of Mark (1:1), “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God”, provide Jesus with the two distinct attributions as Christ and as the Son of God.
So let us see their differences in detail as follows:
1. Jesus
Jesus is the central figure of Christian faith as He is believed to be the son of God born to Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. He was raised in Nazareth and worked as a laborer (carpenter). He sacrificed his life at the altar for the salvation of humanity and Christians believe him to be an incarnation of God the Son. He is one of the Holy Trinity, the other two being the Holy Spirit and the God Himself. He was born to Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. He founded the Church, and he was crucified on the orders of the Roman Prefect.
Jesus remained sinless His entire life. A godly person cannot do so no matter how hard one would try (Romans 5:12).
Jesus is believed to be the Messiah who ascended to heaven but will return one day. The name Jesus also figures among Jew scriptures and in Islam. While Muslims believe Jesus to be one of the important prophets, Jews regard Jesus as a messenger of the scriptures, but refuse to accept as the Messiah. In the New Testament, Jesus has been described as a name that angels asked Mary and Joseph to name their son. ‘You are to give him the name Jesus as he will save his people from their sins’, Matthew 1.21
2. Christ
• Christ is a title that refers to the fact that Jesus was indeed the messiah who liberated humanity through his sacrifice.
Christ is a word that means Messiah in Hebrew. This word has been used as a title for Jesus, one of the several titles that have been used for Him in the New Testament. The reason why the followers of Jesus were called Christians is because they had faith in him and believed that he was the Messiah that they had been waiting for. Though initially Christ was only a title to describe the fact that he was the anointed one, a messiah who liberated the mankind through his sacrifice at the altar, the name Jesus Christ later on became a complete name of the Son of the God.
• Christ is a secular title, whereas Jesus is the name of the son of God.
Christ used alone refers to the messiah that Jesus of Nazareth was, and sometimes the name is referred to as Christ Jesus to refer to the fact that Jesus was indeed the messiah prophesied in Hebrew Bible. At least this is what entire Christianity believes.
•Generally, Though Jesus Christ is considered by Christians as the complete name of the son of God, Jesus was the name given to him by his mother while Christ was the name used as a title for him in the New Testament and Jesus was a Jew; Christ is God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Broadly speaking most Christians see Jesus and Christ as one and the same; most Jews see Jesus as a rabbi. Many Christians take the Bible literally; most Jews see literalism as a block to understanding and midrash, the unpacking of God’s word through the human imagination.
Source: differencebetween, spiritualityhealth